Saturday, December 12, 2009
And now our 1st show after some many, many years!
Finally after some many years, and many tragedies such as hugging muggers and recession holidays, we have one more event to annoy the hell out of you this collapsing century. Our show is confirmed and we will be manufacturing wonder and amazement that melody and time signature can be so brutally pummeled by some otherwise well intentioned young men. We truly care about your support but not so sure your ultimate survival in this dwindling intellectual landscape called a country is actually a bad thing. So, come and watch us bang our heads against a wall repeatedly this Wednesday! We may even hit notes on our instruments.
Plus.. Please download these free songs below!! Remember, we know your name but can't quite remember the faces.
Michael (just mugged again then hugged) Mersereau
Slobber- The Semi-Discography Free Download
You can get crafty and print out the cover and make your own cd, then sell it on Ebay too!!! YAY!! But then again, just load it into your ipod and you’re set. Wait a minute….fuck ipods, download it straight into your brain!!! Yeah…you lame-os prolly don’t got a USB in your head…what the hell is wrong with you??
The 26 track collection were selected from several of our full length recordings and the real bonus here is a punk-as-fuck live set we played at Canada College in Redwood City. Man, JP was screaming “FIRE!! FIRE!!!” while classes were in session. As Mike says on the tape “Always testing the limits of free speech..”. One eldery woman student who was on the lawn trying to study kept coming up to our amps and turning them down. Her best moment was the simple statement “I would like for that band to stop playing that music” after being pressed for an opinion by the recorder of the event, Stork. Right away Stork fired back “well…they ain’t gonna stop.” Eventually that fine spring day, the sum of our shenanigans and our always explosive contingent of fans made it so the authorities shut down the performance. Yes, it is all there for you to enjoy.
Track Listing:
- Belmateo
- Big Eric
- Helloween Shroomy Tunes
- When the Pope Masturbates
- Smart Gurl who Does Drugs
- Jon Le Frenchmen
- Miniature Italian Cookies
- Burning Matchbox Song
- Spoiled Brat
- I Like People
- Clorox
- Canis Minor
- DJ Lightbulb in Da House
- Alien Sex Blues Conspiracy
- Marching Band
- Ricki Lake
- Riot in the Pharmacy
- Belmateo
- Armpit Monster
- ?
- Banana Slug Pride
- We Don't Want Your Food Anyways
- Big Eric (jeez...)
- Jabbas Jones (sorta)...HA HA HA HO HO HO
- A View from the Public - Carlos Prt II- Mommeee- A View from the Dean
- Demands and Farewells from Leech
On the serious tip: The Slobber Semi-Discography CD was put together by RWC Dorkcore Scene Master Curtis Dickinson of Rantcore and FAAC (Friendly Acre Audio Club) fame. Curtis was also known as STORK and besides being the world’s most insane prankster, most anarchic mensa member and the devil’s favorite advocate, he was blogging back before anyone knew what that was. Honestly, I have come to realize that no one was doing daily web updates, show reviews, rants and downloads on a cascading web-post platform like he was then. The man ahead of his time! The proto-blogger!! Curtis passed away on November 25, 2003 in Redwood City, CA. Anyone who knew him, misses that overgrown mothefucker like crazy.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Even obscure on the web.
I found this picture on-line of the four of us. Well, three visible. Dave is Blocked out by Andy. Dave by the way is the one holding all flyers ransom and posting them online (i.e. being responsible). JP has his back turned most likely screaming something unintelligible. Andy is there on Guitar either wearing a very baggy shirt or a priest's robe and I (Michael)am possibly devouring a microphone, a vulgar image and I apologize for the past. Also another formal apology for my hair style. This must have been taken well over ten or twelve years ago. And hopefully Dave should have some more photos hostage (i.e. well categorized and responsibly taken care of). As you can see, we were not a leather jacket mohawk and metal studs type band. We just couldn't get anything right, but we always had the most perfect mistakes.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
SLOBBER - Local Flyer Archive 1
It is a little known fact, but SLOBBER was an integral part of the west bay hardcore scene. We supplied the underage girls, the other groups supplied the machismo we sorely lacked. But seriously, check out the "El Guapo" spilt on 625 Records or Slap-a-Ham's BLEEEEEAAAUURGH" comp if you want to see who we was down wit, it's fucking historical.
This was another flyer for the same show as above. I think Andy was on 25 doses of some bad acid this night. There's a good video out, that will be posted to this blog, of JP showing everyone his member. If ya know what we mean.
The Cupertino Library was the site of several infamous SLOBBER shows, most of which ended in the police raiding the place and us getting shut down. Makes you really want to book us now, eh? The real story here is the band that's crossed out on the flyer: Ragedy Anne - or that band now known as THE DONNAS. Back then they were just putting out seven inches locally and they were silly enough to put down their home address. We were silly enough to get a map, figure out where they lived and drive to their house and ask them if they wanted to play a show. They were silly enough to agree. We were silly enough to make a flyer with them on it and they pulled out of the show...last minute. LAST FAVOR WE DID FOR THEM...AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!!!!
Another flyer from the Cupertino LIbrary days, this one with former member's of MOHINDER, calling themselves Jenny Piccolo. South Bay staple act the BARFOS (aka GODSTOMPER) played their brand of chaotic noise and all was well. The bottom right corner says "self disicpline" as the guys from the Cupertino Library really wanted all the Redwood City heads to not get wasted and set off the fire alarm like the show below....
Yep, the fire alarm going off was only the beginning at the Leechapalooza. MENJ10 aka SHEEP SQUEEZE played making this show one for the history books of Redwood City Dorkcore. AGENTS OF SATAN were still a 3 piece then and i think still wore black metal make up and Lord Ballsack was sporting his devil mask. Don't even get us started on the Fabulously Fanatastic Frying Farmers of Funk or those GREMIES.
Another Gilman show...I think this might be the one where a tuba player joined us on stage...
So after all our whining, Ragedy Anne aka THE DONNAS, did play a show with us. We repeatedly harassed them and their Stanford Football Team boyfriends making for some pretty memorable one liners during and after the show. ahhh...Good Times.
Our friend Morgan used to live in this super remote house in LaHonda and offered us a show at the biggest party thrown of the year. We came, we saw, we kicked some ass. Then members of the Shedwellaz commandeered our microphones while we provided the music to their freestyle raps. Well over 300 people were in attendance and this party is still spoken of today.
More local flyers and stories of our legendary performances to come!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Slobber Bio
Members are Andy "Spiney Norman" Leauge from Static Mind-Fi on Gootar/Vocals, JP Slouch from the FELDMANS on lead vocals, Michael Merserau on Bass/Vocals, and Rev. R4D4 Leech on drums.
Slobber has toured England and Scotland and other vastly known international regions such as the Northern California Peninsula. Here are some songs and stuff for the time being!